Winter Festival Now

Education Now 2.0 Incorporated (EN2.0), a Middleton based 501(c)3 non-profit organization hosted their annual Winter Festival Now fundraiser event in Hamilton, Massachusetts.

EN2.0’s Winter Festival Now is an annual fundraiser event hosted by Education Now 2.0 Inc. The Community House in South Hamilton, Ma generously granted EN2.0 the use of their space for the night. The Winter Fest included various tapas and entertainment as well as a silent auction. The musical was performed by two local high school students coming from Marshfield, MA. The night’s MC was another high schooler from Newbury, Massachusetts. Madeline Nagler, EN2.0’s college intern, also put together a fantastic video of EN2.0’s works. Unfortunately 2021’s Winter Festival was postponed due to the COVID pandemic. We appreciate all of those who were able to attend last year, and we miss not seeing you this winter. Stay safe!

See the full article here.


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